Sunday, July 06, 2008

Burn Out

How do you differentiate the need to have a vacation or if you need another job?
I know I need a vacation. I've worked in a call center for close to 5 years and the longest vacation I've had was 5 days. Given that we work 24/7/365, there really isn't enough time to separate myself from work. It doesn't make a difference if it's Holy Week, Christmas, New Year. We don't have any long weekends. And even if we happen to be on day off for a particular holiday, some of our officemates aren't. There's never a chance to be with the officemates outside of work.
Even if I did go on a long leave from work, the actual work that I need to do will still pile up. Operations do not stop when we're away and we need to be constantly on call. This defeats the purpose of taking time off from work in the first place. Wich is why I refuse to check my work email when I'm on day off. I want to make sure I leave anything work related in the office. It has it's disadvantages but I don't want to work when I'm off.

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